Sonda per termocoppia per impieghi generici IEC, cavo isolato in fibra di vetro con sovratreccia in acciaio inox che termina a code nude, connettore maschio miniaturizzato o standard - tipo K, J
Cambia valuta
9,52 €
7,93 €
Descrizione Generale | Rugged thermocouple with stainless steel sheath |
Tipo di termocoppia | K or J |
Thermocouple Junction | Grounded hot junction for fast response |
Diametro della sonda | 4.5mm |
Lunghezza della sonda | 150mm |
Lunghezza del cavo | 1 or 2m |
Cable Type | Glassfibre insulated lead with stainless steel overbraid |
Nucleo / Fili | 7/0.2mm |
Tipo di terminazione | Bare tails, Miniature or Standard Plug (with cable clamps) |
Massimo Temperatura | +350°C |
Min. Temperatura | -60°C |
Labfacility - Company Overview Presentation
Labfacility - Company Video Presentation featuring, Mineral Insulated Cable Preparation, In-House Welding, Thorough Inspection from our Quality Department, Thermocouple Cable reeled to correct spool lengths, Dedicated work stations for the various sensor configurations, Calibration Test room and Large quantities kept in stock for fast despatch.
Thermocouple Product Guide - Labfacility
An overview of the different thermocouples available from Labfacility.